NIA and EST advise householders to insulate ready for Winter

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:28 AM

The National Insulation Association (NIA) and Energy Saving Trust (EST) are urging older people and those in fuel poverty to act now and insulate their properties.

The NIA and EST advise that keeping a home warm is vital to certain groups in society especially the old. Research by Age UK states that this winter as many as 25,000 older people in the UK could die needlessly because of the cold. That’s around 200 preventable deaths a day*. Home Insulation is an essential measure in creating a warm and more comfortable home in the winter.

Neil Marshall, Chief Executive of the NIA commented: “The BBC recently reported that some homes having energy saving measures carried out under the Green Deal could be at risk of overheating. The NIA is concerned that this could result in those people that need insulation the most not going ahead with it for fear of overheating. In fact, insulation can help balance the temperature in a house by keeping the heat out during the summer and keeping it in during our ever increasing harsh winters.”

Marshall Added: “An astounding 59% of heat can be lost through uninsulated walls and roofs; but with the right measures put in place, householders could be making huge savings on their fuel bills. The Energy Saving Trust reports that by simply installing Cavity Wall Insulation savings of up to £140** per year can be made and £180** per year from Loft Insulation. Draught-proofing windows and doors can save £30** per year and when installed with other measures will greatly increase the comfort in a home. The savings are even greater for insulating solid walls up to £490** per year!”

David Weatherall, Housing Strategy Manager at the Energy Saving Trust, says, “While there is a need in certain new build homes to consider ventilation and shading alongside insulation to avoid overheating, we must not lose sight of the fact that the UK has one of the leakiest housing stocks in Europe. The most pressing concern at the moment is ensuring that leaky homes are treated with the appropriate energy efficiency measures so homeowners remain warm and comfortable in the winter. There are millions of homes in the UK that could benefit from these measures, so there are still plenty of opportunities for the insulation industry to make a positive impact.”