Saint-Gobain Isover extends its Robust Details range

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

Saint-Gobain Isover, leading developer of sustainable insulation solutions, in partnership with the Aircrete Products Association (APA), has added a further masonry separating wall solution to its Robust Details portfolio. The new detail enables Saint-Gobain Isover to offer the most comprehensive range of masonry separating wall solutions in the UK for both materials and performance.

Robust Details E-WM-24 incorporates Isover RD Party Wall Roll, aircrete blocks manufactured by APA members and a standard 8kg/m³ plasterboard. It offers house builders the option to build a high performing separating masonry wall using aircrete blocks without the need for a wet parge coat, achieving three credits towards the Code for Sustainable Homes.

The detail, developed with the APA, exceeds regulation compliant thermal and acoustic performance for the separating wall element. It also offers enhanced thermal detailing in terms of PSI value performance at the separating and external wall junction, which can improve SAP scores. This is a good example of how collaboration between companies within the construction sector can result in beneficial solutions for the market.

Users of the newly approved solution will be able to meet the full-fill requirement to help deliver a zero U-value party wall with no wet parge coat prior to drylining. Also, if the detail is utilised under the Robust Details scheme it will automatically comply with acoustic requirements of Part E of Building Regulations without the need for Pre-Completion Testing (PCT).

The E-WM-24 Robust Details approved solution is one of three Saint-Gobain Isover constructions that feature Isover RD Party Wall Roll as a proprietary material. These include E-WM-20, which offers the maximum of four credits towards the Code for Sustainable Homes, and E-WM-17, which achieves three Code credits in a 75mm cavity, helping to maximise living space. All Isover systems consistently exceed Part E Building Regulations by a minimum of 5dB (Dntw+ Ctr).

Tom Foster, product manager (new build) for Saint-Gobain Isover, comments: “This latest Robust Details approval means we now offer the UK’s largest range of Robust Details accredited solutions, reinforcing our customer commitment by offering high performance, sustainable products that are easy to handle and fast to install. House builders have the option to use approved solutions that can reduce installation costs, increase performance and maximise living space.”

The E-WM-24 detail will be available for Robust Detail registration from November 2012.

To find out more visit where you can download a detailed brochure about the products and its installation in various applications.