The UK housing industry is facing serious headwinds

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:24 AM

The UK housing industry is facing serious headwinds, both immediate and long-term, say Jones Lang LaSalle in latest residential research

London, Friday 3rd August 2012 - The UK housing industry is facing serious headwinds, both immediate and long-term. Attempts are being made to address these but the straitjacket imposed by the lack of finance has been firmly tightened and economic conditions are unsupportive. Nevertheless prices are being reinforced by a lack of supply, low interest rates and, in central London, strong demand from overseas.

Latest residential research, ‘Residential Eye’ from Jones Lang LaSalle examines and discusses many of the key issues that are currently facing residential developers and the UK housing industry as a whole. We question the likely success of strategies proposed to address these problems and even suggest some innovative solutions ourselves.

The report also looks at how housing markets are behaving in the current economic climate and we present our forecasts for the future.

The main findings and conclusions from this multi-topic Jones Lang LaSalle report are:

Neil Chegwidden, residential research director at Jones Lang LaSalle and author of the report concludes: “We believe further measures and more innovative solutions are needed if serious inroads are to be made into the obvious, fundamental and medium-term problems within the UK housing industry.”