TV solutions for new builds

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

Brendan Hegarty, Head of Sky Communal TV Solutions says:

“When planning a new housing development, there are many decisions to be made. Selecting a suitable communal TV system might be considered something to address at a later stage, as one of the finishing touches once the build is complete."

However, we would suggest that those developers who look ahead and plan their system in advance of a build are far more likely to find the very best solution at the best price.   And with new technologies emerging all the time, it is wise to seek advice on how to best 'future proof' a property for the years ahead.

Communal TV systems have a number of advantages for blocks of flats. They can help improve the look of a block, negating the need for mini-dishes and avoiding excess cabling.  Also, with a correctly specified system, future residents and tenants are able to enjoy the latest TV services like High Definition, 3D, and TV on demand, and be best placed to accommodate future innovations.

We would recommend an IRS (Integrated Reception System) for most new build developments.  It enables access to a wide range of digital TV services and, being 'platform neutral', provides a choice of TV suppliers, such as Freesat, Freeview or subscription services, gives access to FM and DAB radio, and supports alternative satellite providers such as Turksat and Arabsat. Sky IRS is highly flexible, comes with a range of leasing and maintenance options, and can be tailored to blocks of different types and sizes.

When choosing a TV system for a development, it is vital to seek professional advice both on planning the individual system and on specification details. For example, to provide Sky+, with functions such as the ability to pause live TV and record two programmes at once, requires a ‘5 cable IRS’ communal solution with two signal feeds for each satellite point in the home, rather than a single feed.  Similarly, with the correct wiring, residents can access services such as Sky Multiroom, which allows them to watch Sky TV in different rooms. 

To help developers understand the options, we have developed a free, downloadable Sky Homes Specification guide which details all the elements needed to install an IRS. It is intended to aid agreements between developers and installation contractors, and to help during preliminary planning and tendering. It also provides an infrastructure for local security and information systems, and describes procedures required for planning individual systems.