Community celebrates completion of £15m transformation

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:29 AM

Residents unveiled a piece of public art they have created to celebrate a £15m development that has provided some of the greenest homes in the country.

Families joined special guests and politicians – including former Shadow Housing Minister Jack Dromey – to mark the completion of St Mary’s in Oldham.

Contour Homes, part of Symphony Housing Group, first began working with Oldham Council on plans for the 2.2 ha St Mary’s site more than 10 years ago.

Once occupied by back-to-back terraces, they were demolished in the 1970s and replaced with deck-access flats. However, by the late 1990s these had been bulldozed.

With investment including £7.7m from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), the site has been extensively regenerated and now features 93 modern, spacious homes.

Four have been built to Level 6 under the Code for Sustainable Homes, meaning they have a ‘zero carbon rating’ and are packed with features including triple-glazing and A+ rated electrical appliances.

Meanwhile, two properties have Passivhaus status – the fastest-growing energy performance standard in the world. These homes are exceptionally airtight and are fitted with a special ventilation system which means occupants need to pay only around £70 a year in heating costs.

Residents joined Mr Dromey, Oldham East and Saddleworth MP Debbie Abrahams, and other guests to celebrate the scheme’s completion at Friday’s event.

A commemorative stone, featuring a mosaic designed by householders in the summer, was unveiled – the result of just one of a number of projects that has seen Contour Homes work with families at St Mary’s since 2011.

Contour Homes managing director Judith Winterbourne, who opened the event, said: “This is not just a fantastic development, it is a new neighborhood with great community spirit.

“It has the benefit of technologies which will reduce the amount of energy required to heat the homes and therefore reduce the outgoings of our tenants and residents.

“The development was only possible because of the partnership approach of Oldham Council, the HCA, Contour Homes, Keepmoat and the community. It is a scheme we are very proud of.”

Deborah McLaughlin, Executive Director for the North West at the HCA, added: “It’s fantastic to see how partners have worked to create much-needed homes that have a positive impact on the look and feel of the area, which I am sure will be a great boost for the local community.”

Contour Homes is continuing to work with residents on a range of activities, including the installation of new seating and paths around a wildflower garden in the centre of the estate.