HCA Director to lead Manchester Place

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:35 AM

The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has announced that it is seconding one of its executive directors to Manchester city council to help accelerate housing growth in the city.

Deborah McLaughlin, the HCA’s Executive Director for the North West, is to act as Chief Executive of the recently launched Manchester Place for a 12 month period, starting in February 2015.

Karl Tupling, the HCA’s Head of Strategy and Performance for the North East, Yorkshire and The Humber, will assume Deborah’s responsibilities during this period.

Manchester Place is a collaboration between Manchester city council and the HCA. It was launched in July with the aim of creating a pipeline of development ready sites to help the city meet its target of creating 55,000 new homes by 2027.

Deborah worked on its set up and has overseen a joint programme board for the past 12 months. The 2 organisations have now agreed the secondment to kick start delivery of the initial schemes.

Andy Rose, Chief Executive of the HCA, said: "The HCA has a proven track record in supporting cities like Manchester to create successful places. The city and the HCA have been discussing the skills and leadership needed to make Manchester Place a success. This arrangement is an opportunity to share expertise and demonstrate our support for local partners."

Cllr Jeff Smith, Manchester city council executive bember for housing and regeneration, said: "It is a testament to the HCA that we sought their expertise to help us to address our housing ambitions and they have made available one of their senior leaders. Manchester Place shows how local and central government can work together to improve local housing markets and help local places to thrive. The HCA is an important partner to the city and we’re delighted that Deborah can dedicate the next 12 months helping us to create a development pipeline for investors and developers willing to support our ambitious residential growth strategy."

Deborah McLaughlin said: "This is a very exciting opportunity. With its population growing 19 per cent in the last decade, Manchester is the fastest growing city in the country. Backed by strong residential and economic growth plans, Manchester Place combines the best of the HCA and the council and I’m looking forward to delivering strategic residential and commercial initiatives across the city."