HCA publishes fourth Statistical Data Return

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:39 AM

The HCA’s Statistical Data Return (SDR) has been published for the fourth consecutive year.

Private registered providers of social housing own 2,708,611 homes, a 1.6% increase on the total for 2014, according to the HCA’s Statistical Data Return (SDR) which has been published today for the fourth consecutive year.

The data come from an annual survey of all private registered providers (PRPs) in England and includes data on size and type of home, location and rents at 31 March 2015. Additional data for large providers with 1,000 homes or more include Right to Buy sales and acquisitions during the year.

Key trends include:

Jonathan Walters, HCA’s Deputy Director of Strategy and Performance, said: "The SDR provides an authoritative view of the position of the sector that helps inform our regulatory engagement and is widely used by stakeholders to better understand the housing association market. The information in the SDR is a rich data source which provides detail at a local authority level about the types or properties owned and managed by providers.

"This year’s figures show a sector that continues to grow and has delivered the Affordable Rent Programme in conjunction with the HCA and GLA. As a regulator we will use this information to help us better understand providers and their compliance with our standards and in particular how they meet expectations around rents."

Data was collected from PRPs in April and May 2015