HCA's first community-led funding for Birmingham

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:54 AM

Witton Lodge Community Association (WLCA) has secured Birmingham's first allocation of community-led funding to build new homes in the Perry Common, north Birmingham.

Over half a million pounds has been awarded by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), enabling WLCA, in partnership with Birmingham City Council, to build 20 new homes for rent on derelict land that has been vacant for 15 years.

WLCA's award is the only allocation to be made to a community group in Birmingham from the government programme for community-led development.  Under the programme the community group will have a strong say in the design and layout of the scheme.

WLCA, a community landlord with 167 homes in the Perry Common area, bid for the government investment on the back of their community-led governance and active resident participation.

Linda Hines, local resident in the area and Chair of WLCA Board said: "We had to meet strict criteria for this funding, demonstrating that the community is involved leading the regeneration in this area and through WLCA, our Board and our active residents, we made a strong and very convincing bid.  As a resident myself, I share local people's desire to turn this piece of empty land into something that we can benefit from as a community. Housing is much-needed in this area and with WLCA as landlord, the funding gets reinvested back into the wider regeneration of the area."

The 20 new homes are part of the final phase of redevelopment in Perry Common, which will see the creation of over 900 new homes since the redevelopment began over 20 years ago. WLCA is the community anchor organisation overseeing the regeneration of Perry Common and will manage the finished properties.

Councillor Tahir Ali, Cabinet Member For Development, Jobs and Skills said: "The redevelopment of Perry Common has been a long journey with many residents taking a leading role over the years. It doesn't surprise me that residents made a compelling case to get this funding.  I am pleased their pioneering work will bring benefit to the local area and to the many people in Birmingham needing homes in our city."

David Rhead, Senior Area Manager, HCA Midlands Central said: "Witton Lodge Community Association demonstrated excellent community leadership through their application and it was clear that the community in Perry Common had played a vital role in the long-term regeneration of the area which extended far beyond housing. We are delighted that our investment is going to enable them to begin the final phase of development."

Work has already taken place with the community to look at the design of the homes, which will benefit from front and rear gardens, off-road parking and access to local green areas.  Further consultation and involvement will take place in the run up to work, which is due to begin over the next month.