Major milestone for the Avenue

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:30 AM

A major milestone in the clean-up of the most polluted site in Western Europe was reached recently when the specially designed plant for removing toxic waste was switched off for the last time.

The Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU) which uses extreme heat has made over 402,000 tonnes of the  most polluted wastes safe and is now being dismantled before starting work in the Netherlands. Work will continue on making the less polluted parts of the site completely safe by composting the soils to allow naturally occurring bacteria make them safe.

Rob Pearson, Head of Area at the Homes and Communities Agency said: “The closure of the TDU is fantastic since it now allows us to concentrate on the future by providing homes and jobs for local people on the site. We have recently obtained extra funding to deliver junction improvement on the A61 to support the plans for 469 new homes,”

Natascha Engel MP for North East Derbyshire said: "The Avenue Project reached a milestone when the Thermal Treatment Plant was turned off recently. The clean-up process, taking one of the most polluted pieces of land in Europe to one which will now see new development is absolutely amazing. The Team who have managed the site, along with North East Derbyshire District Council have done an excellent job. The future now certainly looks brighter for the Avenue."

Toby Perkins MP for Chesterfield said: “The Avenue Coking Works site was one of the most polluted sites in Europe.  It is great that the most difficult stage of the cleanup has been completed and residents across south and west Chesterfield will be pleased to know that no more grey smoke will emanate from the thermal treatment plant.  I look forward to the day when the cleanup will be complete and we can look forward to a positive future for The Avenue”.

North East Derbyshire District council recently approved a planning application for 469 new homes on the site and for a primary school and community facilities.

The construction of the road will start this year followed by building the first homes which will begin in 2016.