New research reveals benefits of solid wall insulation

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:31 AM

The Insulated Render and Cladding Association (INCA) has welcomed the initial results of new research which sets out the economic and wider benefits of solid wall insulation (SWI) for the UK.

Coming less than a week after the Government launched its consultation on the future of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), the research, Evaluating the Benefits of Solid Wall Insulation, undertaken by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) will be vital in making the case to Government
to reconsider the proposed changes to ECO and maintain the current targets for SWI installations.

It is widely accepted that, with eight million solid wall homes in Britain and almost half of ‘fuel poor’ households living in solid wall properties suffering the highest energy bills, SWI is important to meeting the UK’s legally binding carbon reduction targets, reducing energy costs and tackling fuel poverty.

The interim report from the IPPR shows that investing in SWI also creates substantial benefits in terms of jobs, revenue for the Exchequer and community benefits such as health, regeneration and social capital.

The IPPR estimates that around 20,000 jobs will be lost if the Government goes ahead with its proposal to replace the current targets for an average of 100,000 SWI installations per year up to 2022 with an SWI minimum of 100,000 installations by 2017, an average of just 23,500 per year. This reduction of more than 75% in SWI installations would also result in a significant drop in revenue for the Exchequer. For every £1 spent by the Government on supporting SWI, which is match ed with £1 invested by a homeowner, social housing provider or social landlord the Exchequer will recover
around 66 pence of the cost in the same year, mostly through tax receipts.

Full findings of the IPPR’s research are due to be published in April. INCA, with the support of AgilityEco, is actively engaging with DECC on behalf of the SWI industry in an attempt to deliver a more favourable outcome for SWI and the eight million households living in solid wall properties.

INCA will be hosting a meeting of key stakeholders on 26 March where a comprehensive and robust response to the consultation will be finalised in advance of the deadline of 16 April.