Montagu Evans Secures Planning Permission for ‘Ecogrove’ Proposal in London’s Green Belt

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:27 AM

Montagu Evans has secured planning permission in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham for 88 five bedroom homes within the Green Belt, all of which are for private sale.

The site’s location in the Green Belt required Montagu Evans to advance a case of ‘very special circumstances’, which was possible due to a combination of community and environmental benefits the scheme offers.

The application, which was submitted on behalf of Carl Grover of Ecogrove Homes Ltd, will provide all dwellings to Code for Sustainable Homes Code Level 6 (Net Zero C02 Emissions). A further key component of the scheme design was the improvement and enlargement of Wellgate Community Farm, providing significant educational and welfare benefits to the local community and residents across the borough. The section 106 agreement secures the provision of the farm improvements, a four bedroom farm manager’s house and a financial contribution to the farm which together will secure the long term future of this improved community facility.

Montagu Evans’ professional services team produced a Viability Assessment which justified the provision of no-affordable housing.

Will Edmonds, Partner within Montagu Evans Planning Team, commented:

"Montagu Evans is delighted to have achieved this permission for what will be one of the first major developments of ‘Code 6’ homes to be constructed in the UK. Ecogrove will provide much needed family housing and secures the long term future of Wellgate Community Farm, a highly valued and worthwhile community facility. We are delighted that the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State recognised the significant benefits the proposal provides and gave their support to the proposals.”