Life-changing community projects scoop national awards

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:32 AM

Four housing association projects that have transformed the lives of thousands have been honoured at the National Housing Federation’s Community Impact Awards.

The awards celebrate the difference that England’s housing associations make in neighbourhoods across the country by creating opportunities for local people and bringing communities together.

Scooping the night’s top prize, the overall Community Impact Award, was Peabody’s ‘Staying Safe’ programme which tackles knife, gang and gun crime among London’s youth. Peabody also won the Better Neighbourhoods prize, one of four category awards presented last night.

The winning projects were:

In total, almost 180 entries were received across the country for the Community Impact Awards. Regional awards were announced earlier this year, in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and York, with all the local winners going through to last night’s national finals.

David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation, says: “Whether it’s tackling antisocial behaviour, addressing fuel poverty and reducing our carbon footprint, or giving people better access to vital health services or tackling unemployment or digital exclusion, housing associations do so much more than simply offer people a roof over their heads.

“Projects like these help to create a strong sense of community, giving residents the power to get involved and make a difference in their local area – that’s what these awards are all about.”