National fuel poverty conference is open for bookings

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:33 AM

National fuel poverty charity NEA is looking forward to welcoming delegates to Scarborough this year for their annual fuel poverty conference.  

Fuel poverty is now one of the most prominent public policy issues affecting the UK. Policy makers are preparing to respond to the challenge with a new fuel poverty strategy in England to take effect from 2015, with changes to policies and programmes affecting all parts of the UK.

NEA’s conference ‘Turning the Tide’ will explore the many issues that impact on fuel poverty alleviation with the wide range of players involved in the design and delivery of policy and practical programmes.

The conference will enable 300 key decision makers, practitioners and stakeholders to debate whether there will be a sea change in action on fuel poverty, focussing on:

In addition to the main conference sessions there will also be an exhibition of products and services and a number of facilitated discussion groups and other informal networking opportunities.