Best site managers recognised for crucial role in building outstanding homes

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:32 AM

The winning site managers have been announced as winners in the first round of the annual NHBC Pride in the Job Awards, placing them in the top few percent of their profession.

The National House-Building Council's Pride in the Job Awards - now in their 34th year - recognise the unique contribution site managers make in the creation of UK homes of outstanding quality. Site managers have a greater influence over the outcome of a project than anyone else involved, overseeing everything that happens on site.

The 446 individuals - selected from around 15,000 site managers working on NHBC-registered sites across the UK - have won either a Quality Award or Single Home Commendation, depending on their category.

Mike Quinton, Chief Executive of NHBC, the UK's leading standards setter and warranty provider for new UK homes, said:

"For nearly 35 years, Pride in the Job has been a fundamental component of NHBC's work to raise standards through the celebration and sharing of best practice. Our winners are at the forefront of the house-building recovery, making sure that quality is maintained and improved year on year, as they raise the bar for success in the competition."

Site managers that win an NHBC Pride in the Job Award are building homes of an exceptionally good standard. The homes they build are without doubt among the best the UK has to offer.

The winners have excelled in a comprehensive year-long judging process, assessed against stringent criteria defined by NHBC¿s technical Standards for building new homes. They are now shortlisted for regional titles which will be revealed in the autumn.

The regional champions will then go forward to contest the national Supreme Winner title in their category at the Pride in the Job Gala Final in London in January.