Giant housing summit to set post-election agenda

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:38 AM

Following a tumultuous six months in political affairs and housing, the new Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark MP will make his first major public engagement with the social housing sector at the National Housing Federation’s Annual Conference in Birmingham.

This will define his agenda for social housing and provide an opportunity to discuss how Government and the sector can work together to end the housing crisis.

For the first time the Federation summit at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham this September will host three conferences – the Annual Conference, the Social Enterprise, Work and Wellbeing Conference and the Young Leaders Experience – under one roof at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham this September. This will be the first opportunity for the whole sector to come together following the Budget to discuss the future of social housing.

Other headline speakers include:

David Orr, Chief Executive for the National Housing Federation, said: “Our conference this year offers the first opportunity post-Budget for professionals from across the housing world to come together and engage in the vital discussions that will shape the future of our sector.

“We know that the Budget has posed significant challenges to housing associations. That is why it is more important than ever that the sector meets under one roof to discuss the challenges and identify innovative, constructive and cooperative methods of continuing to provide social housing for all those who need it.”

The Conference runs between from 23 and 25 September at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham. The full brochure for the Annual Conference and Social Housing Exhibition is now online at