Housing associations stand up to be counted as NHF launches annual awards

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:30 AM

Housing associations of all shapes and sizes are going under the spotlight as the National Housing Federation opens its 2014 Community Impact Awards for entries.

The Community Impact Awards celebrate the difference that England’s housing associations make through creating opportunities and bringing local communities together.

Housing associations are asked to submit projects for consideration in the following categories:

Entries should be made online via our dedicated site by Friday 24 February 2014.

Entrants will be shortlisted by an online judging panel during March 2014, with tenants; sector specialists; notable individuals and key housing association partners selecting the strongest projects for four local awards ceremonies during April and May:

A national judging day will be held during May with the final national category winners and the overall Community Impact Award winner for 2014 to be announced at the national finals on 12 June 2014.

David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation, says: “We’re delighted to launch our 2014 awards. As housing associations up and down the country face a tremendous range of pressures in the current climate of reforms and austerity measures - it’s a great opportunity for everyone to take a step back and celebrate the vital impact of the work they do day to day.

“Entering the awards gives housing associations a fantastic opportunity to celebrate success with their staff and tenants; winning the awards gives everybody else a chance to get some inspiration from projects that have real impact.

“Housing associations never fail to impress the judges – I’m sure 2014 will be no exception.”