Making history with Redland's Craftsman tiles

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:09 AM

A homeowner in Cambridge selected the Redland Rosemary Clay Craftsman roof tile due to its heritage look on a complete re-roofing job done on his mansion house.

Cambridge is a town of quintessential English charm, famous for its top university and frequented by scholars from all over the world.  Both Latham Road and Chaucer Road, the oldest streets in Cambridge, were put under a conservation order in 2000.

This means that any external work carried out on the buildings in these streets, including this property must fit in with the traditional aesthetic.

Craftsman tiles have the rustic appearance of an old tile teamed with the strength and durability of a new tile, offering the best of both worlds to history conscious homeowners who want to maintain an authentically dated appearance for their property.

Speaking about the project, Kieran McGinty, owner of K McGinty Roofing said: “The property on Latham Road is well over a hundred years old and had undergone some roof repair work in the 1980’s due to a leak. We were contracted to strip down all of the existing roof tiles and start from scratch after the repair job began to fail.

"I suggested the Craftsman due to its rustic quality which I felt suited the essential characteristics of the area. I showed a sample of the tile to the homeowner and he said yes straight away.

“I have used the Craftsman tile on a number of other recent projects and find that it is easy to work with and the customer is always pleased with the end result.”