RIBA heralds Housing Design Trends for 2016

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:40 AM

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has published new research forecasting the main trends in UK housing design for the year ahead.

Over the course of 2015, RIBA Chartered Architects have reported the design trends in greatest demand:

An increase in land availability and the relaxation of planning restrictions have led to an increase of one-off single houses and housing extensions. 55% of our

Architects reported that bespoke homes and housing extensions are getting bigger in size.

As the ageing population increases, more of us are planning ahead for later in life by seeking designs solutions to facilitate easier living. Adaptations to make independent living simpler, or adjusting a family home layout for the addition of an older family member are the two main drivers in this growing market.

The popularity of generous multi-functional living spaces - combining cooking, dining and living space shows no sign of diminishing – when these spaces are combined with direct access to gardens and outside space, they are even more popular with 66% of our Architects reporting a demand.

Sustainability and energy conservation are no longer niche concerns but factor prominently in the design decisions of many clients. 70% of our Architects expect to see an increase in specifying advanced insulation products and 66% expect to see a rise in the use of solar/PV panels.

RIBA President Jane Duncan said: “The appetite for building or improving your own home for your family and future shows no sign of abating, with architects experiencing increased demand from creative and ambitious homeowners. This new RIBA report gives a glimpse of what to expect in housing design for 2016 and beyond. It shows the insight, value for money and peace of mind that an architect can bring to any housing project.”