Spacehus provides the solution for the affordable housing crisis

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:18 AM

Spacehus, part of the award-winning Space Group, welcomes Chancellor George Osbourne’s commitment to finally solving the national affordable housing crisis by offering a solution which delivers on cost, quality and timescale.

Spacehus uses a state of the art Building Information Modelling (BIM) system to construct well-designed, high quality, affordable pre-engineered houses. Development of the solution began in 2010, when the company first recognised the housing industry needed change.

Traditional house-building methods require a large supply of skilled bricklayers and wet trades of which there is a national shortage. In order to achieve targets set within the timescales required, a different approach to construction is needed throughout the UK.  Spacehus can deliver a three bedroom house for just £80,000 with typical running costs of around £10 per week.

Spacehus managing Director, Rob Charlton comments: “The housing crisis is not a new problem. The construction industry has seen it coming for years but developers are afraid to do things differently. Traditional house building methods are crippling this country and we can see it playing out before our eyes. Something has to change. It’s good to see it recognised politically.”

By using the BIM system to pre-engineer the Spacehus, it is assembled rather than built, which renders the need for skilled traditional trades obsolete – getting round the skills shortage problem. This also enables houses to be constructed within days, rather than weeks. The BIM system ensures the houses are made to an exact specification and to a high standard so quality is not affected and is more likely to be guaranteed.

Rob Charlton continues: “Spacehus is a scalable affordable housing solution with a de-skilled construction process, which solves so many problems for housing in this country. It’s genuinely the only way to deliver a 21st century housing product for Generation Y in large numbers.”