Scotframe unveils its new Rural Homes Collection

Housing Thu, Jun 2, 2016 2:04 PM

Scotframe, one of the UK’s leading full kit manufacturer and supplier, has just launched a new range of house styles which will complement, enrich and blend in with the diverse beauty of the British countryside.

The collection will also help to protect the fragile rural environment and reduce energy use by introducing five star standards of thermal performance and energy efficiency levels.

The new range will feature 22 house types from bungalows to grand five-bedroom homes, all of which have been meticulously designed to nestle into countryside sites in a harmonious and unobtrusive fashion.

Bob Edwards, Managing Director, said: "We have taken our enormously successful previous rural collection and reviewed and updated it to reflect the latest planning requirements and thermal performance regulations whilst giving some designs a modern contemporary architectural style.

"We have matched these criteria to current lifestyle preferences to give a truly imaginative and inspiring feel to the range, which we feel will truly enhance the built environment in sensitive rural locations."

Scotframe, which has manufacturing facilities at Inverurie, Aberdeen & Cumbernauld, Glasgow and has sales offices in Inverness, Dundee, Paignton and West Sussex, had tasked its designers with creating homes which are more than worthy of their setting.

The brief has taken account of the impact a house has on the landscape and recognises that the design must sympathetically respond to it, as well as suiting the topography of the site.

The Rural Homes Collection is governed by a strict set of guidelines covering how a home fits into the countryside, its orientation, the right shape and proportions, the use of natural materials and the avoidance of excess embellishments.

In its 27 years of existence Scotframe has supplied more than 25,000 homes and numerous non-domestic buildings across all parts of the UK. It has also developed a strong overseas presence with sales in The Channel Isles, France, Belgium, Cyprus and as far away as The Falkland Islands.

Scotframe has taken a leadership role in the sustainable construction sector with consistently innovative thinking and practices which are helping to map out the future of environmentally friendly building methods.

The Rural Homes Collection offers a range of thermal performance options including Scotframe's unique and highly-regarded product Val-U-Therm, an innovative type of building panel from which a highly energy efficient house can be quickly and efficiently erected. The panels have the capacity to dramatically cut energy costs with the majority of clients appreciating the benefits Val-U- Therm provides and choosing to build their home using the system.

Scotframe is one of the UK’s leading full kit timber frame manufacturer and supplier.