Permeable Paving for sustainable flood defences

Public Sector Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:24 PM

There are many tough testing grounds for grass paving especially for storm water management in flood risk areas. The drainage and reinforcement qualities of any grass reinforcement system are critical to a sustainable landscaped solution.

Grass Concrete Ltd, the Wakefield based firm has over 40 years of grass reinforcement installations worldwide. The company’s Grasscrete product has become the generic reference for permeable grass paving especially for flood alleviation and storm water management. Drainage and reinforcement qualities are the key feature of successful Grasscrete installations.

A cast on-site concrete system Grasscrete offers excellent grass coverage. The strong ground reinforcement qualities of concrete are essential where regular or heavy traffic is expected and grass growth can get quickly established in the deep soil pockets of the grid like structure.

Where there is a requirement for green landscaped environments Grasscrete’s added advantage of traffic weight loads up to 40-tonnes can make all the difference, especially for car parking areas, overspill or emergency access vehicles.

The company also offers alternative to concrete, a plastic grass reinforcement systems called Grassroad, The company’s policy of ‘fit for purpose installation’, only considers plastic options where regular trafficking is not required. From experience plastic systems rely on the grass coverage for overall stability and are therefore more vulnerable to movement under regular traffic and therefore do not offer the sustainable credentials of Grasscrete.

During heavy rainfall Grasscrete’s deep soil pockets provide both water attenuation and natural drainage qualities. Widespread use of Grasscrete in flood risk areas worldwide highlights the proven drainage qualities. In the UK many town centre flood risk areas and river walkways utilise Grasscrete as a sustainable drainage solution and an alternative urban green space.

For commercial and housing developments in vulnerable flood risk areas Grasscrete is widely utilised for both its strong structural qualities up to 40-tonne traffic weight and natural SUDS qualities including water attenuation at a rate of 8m/second. Attenuation ponds incorporated with Grasscrete help both with vehicle access on site and also help retain storm water, reducing the peak demand on main sewer infrastructure while gaining a landscaped amenity

Talk to the experts of 40 years to find out more.

www.grasscrete .com

Tel 01924 379443