Aico's solutions increases HMO fire safety

Public Sector Mon, Jul 18, 2016 2:13 PM

The RHP Group, a registered housing provider in South West London, has used Aico fire protection equipment to help improve safety in Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

Each flat, within the HMO, already benefits from an Aico BS5839 Part 6 domestic smoke alarm system – if this is triggered it will only sound within that flat. Throughout the common circulation areas a separate communal BS5839 Part 1 fire alarm system has been installed.

To maximise safety and ensure the communal alarm can be heard within each property, RHP has integrated the two alarm systems. This has been achieved by installing an Aico Ei164e Heat alarm in the hallway of each flat, which interconnects to the existing alarm system within the flat. These Ei164e Heat alarms are also interconnected to an Aico Ei414 Fire/Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm Interface, which in turn is connected to the communal alarm system in the common parts.

This system configuration enables the Part 1 communal system to activate all alarms throughout the entire property if a fire is detected, but does not allow individual flats’ alarms to activate those in the communal areas or other within other tenant’s homes. This innovative solution provides maximum tenant safety, with minimal disruption.

The Ei414 is a flexible device that provides a dedicated connection between Aico Smoke, Heat and CO alarms with third party systems and devices such as sprinkler systems, warden call, panel systems and community alarms. The Ei414 can be powered directly from the mains or from a 12-24V DC supply and has built-in tamper-proof rechargeable Lithium Cells which will power the device in the event of any mains failure.

Andrew Omoshebi, Building Services Engineer at RHP Group, comments: “We have only been working with Aico for four years but we like the solutions they are able to provide and both the alarms and service are very good.”

A wholly owned subsidiary of Ei Electronics, Aico is a market leader in residential fire and CO protection in the UK. All alarms are designed and built in Ireland specifically to meet the UK standards and regulations.

In association with Aico

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