Twelve new Enterprise Zones go live

Public Sector Wed, Apr 5, 2017 9:40 AM

Twelve new Enterprise Zones have gone live, helping to boost economic growth from the north-east to the south-west.

Announced in the Autumn Statement 2015, these new zones support businesses, helping budding entrepreneurs to start and established companies to grow. They offer business rates discounts and additional tax breaks, backed by a simplified local planning process.

In addition, 2 Enterprise Zones – the west of England LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and the New Anglia LEP – have expanded to benefit more places and communities.

These new Enterprise Zones bring the total to 48 in England. They will build on the success of current zones, which have attracted more than £2.6 billion of private investment and more than 700 new businesses. It means more than 29,000 jobs have been created across a range of key industries since their launch in 2012.

Local Growth Minister Andrew Percy said: "Our modern Industrial Strategy is about creating the right environment for businesses to grow - Enterprise Zones are making sure this happens across the country.

"This is a key part of our Plan for Britain, creating a stronger economy that works for everyone. These 12 new Enterprise Zones will help even more businesses to set up and grow. I’m confident they will build on the success we’ve already seen over the past 5 years."

Enterprise Zones are central to the government’s Industrial Strategy. They will help businesses up and down the country seize the opportunities presented by leaving the European Union.

Each Enterprise Zone is unique, building on the strengths of each area. They support some of the country’s most vital industries including manufacturing, technology and renewable energy.

The zones going live include: