Tarkett benefiting from Government drive on BIM

Sustainability Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:16 PM

Early adoption of the UK Government’s Level 2 building information modelling (BIM) policy has led to flooring manufacturer Tarkett raising its profile in the sector and securing rapid download of its assets.

The UK Government set a deadline of 2016 for BIM to be used on all significant public sector projects.

Mark Burton, Supply Chain Manager at Tarkett, said: “Tarkett UK were ‘early adopters’ when it came to BIM, we’ve subsequently found that embracing the technology at such an early stage has given us a significant advantage in terms of raising our profile with this new ‘community’.  

“Thanks to Government policy we’re seeing a rapid increase in downloads of our assets, which can only be good.”

According to the UK government’s ‘BIM Ambassador for Growth’ Richard Saxon the UK is now number one in the world for BIM. His latest report Growth Through BIM sets out the opportunities for UK-based businesses internationally and within the EU.

Mark continued: “Tarkett is well placed to capitalise on the opportunities arising as a result of BIM. We’ve recently been involved in significant redevelopments of three hospitals in the UK; Peterborough, South Glasgow and Mater in Dublin, supplying thousands of square metres of flooring.

“We’re confident that our BIM assets are positively affecting the growth of our business and making Tarkett the obvious choice as flooring provider, because of the ease of specification and the reduction in waste from using BIM.”