Forbo redefines flooring online

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:15 AM

Forbo redefines flooring online

Forbo Flooring Systems has re-launched its website, providing a definitive online interface for specifiers, installers and clients that offers useful tools, design inspirations and in-depth technical resource across all market segments.

Now visitors to will find a site that is visually inspiring, easier to navigate, with access to both ‘how to’ YouTube guides and downloadable information just a few clicks away.  

The guiding principle behind the new website from Forbo is to deliver what visitors to the site are looking for simply, intuitively and with as few clicks as possible.

The landing page provides quick and easy access to the most actively visited parts of the site and the interactive image-led matrix offers a playful navigation tool that focuses on stimulating creativity and invites exploration.  

The brand new Product Finder is designed to help those who are unsure of what floorcoverings best suits their needs or pick out colour co-ordinated finishes across different product types. What’s more, each product section includes its own colour selector tool, ensuring fast viewing of products available in only the shades desired.  

Improvements have also been made to Forbo’s design tools too, with the Room Planner now enabling the combination of more than one product to view how colour schemes might work. Furthermore, when a room set has been chosen the user is then able to download this in a PDF format for their own reference. While for those working in specific markets, Forbo offers its unrivalled flooring design, installation and floor care knowledge in segment-specific compendia.

Project references from the Inspiration and References section of the website deliver a concise online platform of real life installations. With integrated search options by country, segments and products, website users can access and share projects that have inspired them by exporting the PDFs of the projects, which include the product references of those designs installed. In addition to this, large-scale jpegs can be quickly and easily downloaded from this section to drop into CAD packages and there are also swift links to Forbo’s BIM objects throughout its product sections.  

The site also includes after-care resources to support on-going product maintenance and cleaning. Visitors to the site can find everything relating to a product in one section. A dedicated Installation and Floorcare section, where information is signposted according to product type, delivers in-depth technical detail for each installation product via individual downloads.  

What’s more, the website now has visual aids such ‘how to’ guides from Forbo’s YouTube account, links to its sister company Eurocol for products such as glues and subfloors, as well as links to its partner organisation Quantum for skirtings and profiles – ensuring users have complete installation overview.

Julie Dempster, Marketing Manager at Forbo Flooring Systems comments: “We hope visitors to the new website will find it significantly improved and enjoy using it. While all of the technical information is still there, the aim has been to integrate all of our product, project and aftercare information, making access to the desired sections swift and simple. The emphasis is clearly on creativity in an online context that designers, specifiers, installers and end users are increasingly working within.”

In association with Forbo Flooring Systems

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