Glidevale offers a competitive range of loft access hatches with insulation, fire protection and security options. Each Glidevale loft access hatch comprises a frame which is fixed into a trimmed opening and has a seal to the ceiling and a trap door which is thermally insulated and has a flexible, closed cell-seal between door and frame.
- All models meet or exceed the NHBC minimum opening size (NHBC Standards 7.2-D14).
- Each Glidevale loft access hatch is a complete unit comprising frame and door, with integral closedcell air/vapour seals and thermal insulation.
- The integral seals significantly reduce water vapour migration into the loft space, reducing condensation risk.
- The seals also virtually eliminate heat loss by air movement around the hatch door and exceed the
- airtightness requirement of the Approved Documents, as demonstrated by test.
- The hatches provide continuity of thermal insulation at ceiling level, substantially reducing heat loss by conduction through the hatch.
- Options with enhanced insulation meet the minimum U-value requirement of the Approved Documents.
- Optional key-operated security for tenanted properties or public areas.
- 1 hour and 1/2 hour fire resistance options with Class 0 surface flame spread available.
- Suitable for standard 600mm joist centres.