The future of the historic Prudhoe Hall has been secured, with an agreement between...
One company making a significant difference to the speed at which construction...
Off-Site product manufacturer STORMKING has combined modern prefabrication methods...
Almost two thirds of people who have had a Green Deal assessment will install some of...
Mansell Homes, a leading developer of new build family housing, has commenced a...
Every year around 50 people die in the UK from CO poisoning, a further 200 are...
Crest Nicholson has now launched for sale the first homes at its much-anticipated...
Scotland’s most historic buildings, along with 20 per cent of its housing...
Changes to the rules that govern the installation of precast concrete flooring will...
A significant increase in the number of major residential developments being decided...
It’s vital to take steps to ensure that heating systems run to their optimal...
Hanson Formpave’s new website offers developers and specifiers a comprehensive...
Sprue Safety Products teamed up with the University of Portsmouth to provide...
More than half of small building firms back a requirement by government on homeowners...
The pioneering social housing development of Sinclair Meadows in Tyneside has been...