Aluprof S.A. is part of Grupa Kety S.A. Capital Group. The company is a leading producer of aluminium systems in Europe, with branches in many European countries and, also, in the US. With over 50 years of experience and annual sales revenues exceeding 230 M EUR, Aluprof S.A. has over 1,300 regular clients. Exports account for 40% of total sales. The company employs more than 2,100 employees.
Aluprof S.A. manufacturing plants are located in Bielsko-Bia?a, Opole, Goleszów and Z?otów, and have a surface area of over 220 K m², and a modern equipment including:
The construction sector is the linchpin of sustainability and aluminium joinery is...
By Wojciech Brożyna - MD Aluprof UK Leading Aluminium Systems Company, Aluprof,...
Over the last few years, inflation has become one of the greatest global issues,...
Lets Talk Specification will be hosting a number of Workshops at Futurebuild on Tuesday 5th March, Click here to reserve your seat now.